Constructing Your Panel Fence

24th Nov 2022


Fencing panels are available in a wide selection of styles and sizes. They are traditionally 6ft or 1.8m wide and should be fixed to 75mm x 75mm, 100mm x 100mm wooden posts or 125mm x 100mm slotted concrete post with a 6“ or 12“ gravel board, depending on the height of your fence.

The width of a panel is not important when constructing a new fence. However, when ordering replacement panels please double check the width of the existing panels as some may be 1.83 (6ft) or only 1.8m (just under 71″). For special size panel orders please measure top and bottom between posts and knock 1⁄4 inch off at the narrowest point to allow the panel to slide in. We strongly recommend all of the panels and posts used are dipped in preservative. All fencing materials supplied by Monton Fencing are dipped and treated with the latest preservative.

Please note – Whilst fence panels benefit greatly from dipped treatment, we recommend firstly; do not place in direct ground contact and to use an easy to replace timber or concrete gravel board if possible. Secondly do not mount soil up against the face of the panels and treat your constructed fence regularly during its life time with a proprietary fencing product. These simple guildlines will enhance your fence and give you added years of service.

Timber or concrete posts or post support systems

Posts can either be dug into the ground and concreted using a cement and ballast mix or postmix or using spiked post supports; for made ground digging and concreting/postmix is always the safer option. If you decide to dig the posts into the ground to concrete a solid foundation you will need post mix or mixture of sand, ballast & cement. If using post spikes, the fence posts can be the same length as the panels. If dug and concreted we recommend 600mm in the ground i.e. a 1.8 high panel would require a 2.4m post.

There is a choice of post sizes available. 75mm x 75mm may be adequate for lower fences but for higher fences or exposed positions we would recommend 100mm x 100mm wooden post or 125mm x 100mm concrete post. Slotted H posts are easier by fixing the posts and simply sliding the panel in between the posts. Remember always to purchase wooden gravel boards and timber posts that are pressure/dipped treated. Concrete posts and gravel boards are ok as they will not rot.

Gravel board

A gravel board has the benefit of lifting the panel clear of the ground and removing contact with such. Gravel boards normally come in 2 sizes 150mm x 50mm or 300mm x 50mm in wood or concrete. Please check that your gravel boards are the same length as the panel.

Clips (wooden post)

Clips are usually used to fix panels between the posts.

Quantities & Measurements

Divide the (length of the fence) by the (length of panel plus one post) to calculate number of panels and posts required. Remember to add one additional post to finish the run of the fence. Remember that depending on the thickness of posts you are using i.e. 75mm x 75mm or 100mm x 100mm you will gain on the overall measurements. An example is a run of 10nr 6ft panels using 100mm x 100mm posts you will gain 1mt in length as most panels fit between the posts.

Safety & Tools

You will need strong gloves, safety boots and safety glasses if using power tools. You will also require a hammer, spirit level, long crowbar, peg and line, saw, tape measure, pencil and narrow digging spade. If using post support spikes you will need a drive in tool to avoid damaging the spikes.


Clear the line of any old fence or undergrowth. If there is a slope, work out the steps required. If the ground slopes its much easier to start at the highest point and work downhill stepping the panels down as required

Installing posts

Remember before you dig any holes or drive in spikes to check that there are no service pipes underground as this can be dangerous and costly i.e sewage drains, gas, water or electric connections. If using spikes make a pilot hole with a bar. The drive in tool protects the top of the spike and allows corrections but check regularly that it is driving square and level. If you are digging, keep the hole as small as possible around 9” square depending on the size of the post.

Calculate the total height of your fence plus gravel boards. If using gravel boards add 1” as the post looks better finishing above the panel. Mark the inside slot or wooden post as this should be the point on the post where the bottom of the fence will fit.

Dig your post hole – this should be 9” to 12” square depending on ground conditions and height of your fence. Remember we recommend 600mm in the ground for depth. Fix your string line between the start and end points of your intended fence. We suggest tying the string 6” from ground level and to your first post to enable you to keep your fence post straight and to ensure the run of the fence is even from the ground. When digging your next hole we recommend using a 6ft straight edge timber to ensure the distances of holes are correct. Put the straight edge inside the slot and mark out the line from the first post.

Fixing your first post; double check measurements, hole depth, post size and panel then put approximately 1⁄2 a shovel of concrete in the dug hole to give a 2” depth. Gently lower and position the post into the hole, checking; using a level, that it is up right and the mark on the post should just be just above the ground level. Add more concrete around the post and compact the concrete/post-mix with a timber fencing batten. Fill the hole around the concrete post to ground level just below the mark on the post.

Setting up your first section – set in concrete 1nr house brick 2” from first post and 2” from second post location to ensure that the level will be correct, once this is complete slot in your base panel ensuring that the level remains correct. Level across with straight edge then lower the base down between the slot.

The base should now be level, if not just slightly tap down to level and then put in your fence panel on to the base and into the post. To fix your next post, measure that the hole is at the right depth before you drop your next post in, and complete the rpocess in regard to using concrete or post mix, then lower the post into the hole, holding the post with the slot against the fencing section and slide the post between the base and the panel using a level.

Fine tune the position of the bottom of the post so that it is up right against the fencing section and add more concrete around the post up to the level of the brick. Check that posts and panel are level before moving on to your next section – repeat section until you reach your last section. Fixing your last post using an end post to finish off.


Measure the gap between the slotted posts knock off 1⁄4”. Cut your fence panel and base panel. Slide the concrete base and panel down into the slot.


Monton fencing can make you a short panel to suit.


This can be done at the end of the job or as you go on. Spread soil/stone of your choosing along the fence line to the same level as the ground level to hide any gaps.

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